Eye Candy

Alexis Weisenburger

When it comes to a proper set of volume lash extensions, there’s one woman—according to the tens of thousands of lash extension experts learning from her, at least—that can fan them on better than most.

In the Abstract

Geri deGruy spotlight painting

It wasn’t until the aughts that artist Geri deGruy’s transcendent oeuvre began taking shape.

In His Own Words

Larry DiPasquale and Julia Child

Larry DiPasquale has been in the spotlight for more than three decades as the founder of the lauded Epicurean Group. Today, he takes us behind the scenes.

Piggy Bank

Johnny Ballen

Here’s how all those pig figurines found their way into Cochino Taco.

Fight for Life

Maureen Shul

Maureen Shul’s main passion: Making the world a better, healthier place.

Now, For Something Different

Gayle Novak in her Ms. Senior America crown and sash

Gayle Novak is a philanthropist, restaurateur and—titles that surprise even her—2018’s Ms. Colorado Senior America and Ms. Senior America.

Music to Our Ears


We have an iconic saxophonist (whose family is also doing some illustrious things) in our midst.

The Pursuit of Hope


This Lone Tree resident brings ill children a helping hand in the form of bags bursting with fun.