Photos by E.J. Carr

Words to the wise: Once you’ve stepped foot inside the Emerson Bailey Collection studio, you may never want to leave.
Located on a tree-lined neighborhood street in Cherry Hills Village, the space is, professionally speaking, a boutique lifestyle design showroom and workspace filled with elegant hand-curated items owner Susan Weiss finds in her travels—an enticing narrative in its own right.
After minutes inside with Weiss, however, that description seems to be missing one important account: how this designer has created a space that masters the make-yourself-at-home philosophy.
Built from the ground up in 2018, the studio looks and feels like just like a house. European antiques and classic contemporary furnishings bring life to a living room, kitchen, dining room and upstairs bath and bedroom.
Rather than looking through a catalog or browsing a store, customers are invited to get to know each piece in the place up-close—feel the softness of mohair throws, learn how Belgian lighting can be embedded in a bathroom wall, try Libeco Belgian Linen foutas (used as towels in Europe) as lovely throws or tablecloths. Curious how the European faucets in the bathroom work? Feel free to test those out, too.
“I want my clients to have a sensory experience,” Weiss says. “When you can see furnishings, home goods and architectural elements in the context of how they look in a home and learn the story of how they were made, there’s a more authentic connection. People can visualize living with the elements they love.”
It was Weiss’ architect father, Harold Emerson Bailey, who inspired her to build EB Collection, a comprehensive high-end design company that includes EB Living (offering luxury home goods); EB Build (offering crafted building materials and architectural elements); and EB Brands (which hosts partnerships with other design brands).
In the studio (which serves as EB headquarters), everything from garden urns from New York to 25 tons of limestone from Texas to European candles known for their sleek brass containers come together to make Weiss’ authentic style: “The space is gorgeous, but also has texture and grit. You should surround yourself with beauty and quality in everything from your sofa to your faucet hardware—drinking coffee in a paper cup is an entirely different experience than drinking it from a French ceramic mug served alongside a cookie on a lovely hand-painted plate.”
Weiss shares the stories behind the design of each piece. “This is the way it’s done in Europe,” she says. “You learn the stories of why certain materials are used, how items are made, the creative philosophy and even meet the creators.”
Weiss meets with builders, designers and homeowners by appointment in the studio. Once something catches your eye, you can either order it or walk out with it right then.
Weiss is constantly inspired, and in turn inspires her community: “I travel extensively and meet many artisans who create items that you can’t find anywhere else in Denver. My senses are in overdrive everywhere I go.”
for these EB Collection collaborations.
Soon, opting to buy an Airstream-like portable “home” will mean enjoying everything Weiss’ sophisticated design sensibility has to offer. She is working with Santa-Barbara-based Matthew and Joanna Hofmann of Living Vehicle to make their luxury “mobile living space” interiors as sleek as the exteriors. Look for a launch this fall.
This month, EB Collection will also be hosting a pop-up store at Formation Boutique in Vail. EB Collection is also available at EBC Warehouse, Centennial and EBC Lifestyle Boutique, Denver.
Emerson Bailey Collection
Cherry Hills Village