Design Insta-Trends


Photo By Hendrickson Photography

RubyHome Luxury Real Estate in Southern California recently released its findings
after analyzing and ranking some of the most popular interior trends on Instagram.
The company found that “farmhouse” tops the list of the most Instagrammable interior trends,
with more than 4.8 million posts on Instagram. In a close second was the “rustic interiors”
trend with more than 4.7 million posts.


Plan of Attack

Photo courtesy of poketo

Get your family schedule under control with this fun, colorful giant wall calendar. The
Spectrum Wall Planner is open dated, so you can start using it at any time. Display it
month-by-month or all at once for a powerful long-term planning tool.
The kids will love the colorful display!


PHOTO By Bself

A new study by TexasRealEstateSource. com revealed which states have seen the
most increase in home values between 2016 and 2023. Idaho topped the
list with 124% growth, Colorado came in 4th with 97% growth, and Florida is last
on the list with 77% growth. Across the board, gains have been
great in real estate.

4th place
Average price increase

Average price in 2016

Average price in 2023

1st place

Average price increase

Last place for price increase 